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by Jennifer S. Bryson (Founder, Let All Play)

“Forcing... foreign guests to wear a hijab is not a sporting thing.”

Heena Sidhu

sport shooter

Wold Cup Winner

World Record Holder


Heena Sidhu

photo by Pratap Vinayagam




Iranian and American

Garment Coercion

in Sports and Games

"...there should be no precondition that players wear religious garb or a religious or political symbol with which they disagree in order for them to be allowed to compete."

Jennifer Bryson

Public Discourse

4 Feb 2019


"Sports and games are valuable as shared civic spaces where all, regardless of religion or no religion, regardless of political views, participate together and compete solely on merit...We need to protect the shared nature of these fields of competition to assure international sports and games continue to be open to all without anyone coopting them as platforms for particular religious or political agendas."

Jennifer Bryson

Public Discourse, 4 Feb 2019

“I do not wish to be forced to wear a scarf or burka.”


There is “no place for an enforceable religious dress code in sports.”

Soumya Swaminathan,

Woman Grandmaster

Soumya Swaminathan,

Woman Grandmaster

photo Stefan64 - CC BY-SA 3.0


The Hijab Hurdle in Sports


Contending Modernities

June 17, 2011

"In a world filled with inter-religious tensions, precisely non-religious activities such as sports can provide a public space in which those who are different can find ways to participate together."

Allowing religious headgear in sports opens the playing field not only to Muslim girls and women but also to Sikh and Jewish boys and men.

"...requiring sameness in public spaces strips them of their public character, holding them hostage to narrow, private prejudice. If our public realms are to be inclusive and reflect the true diversity of humanity, then these spaces, including soccer fields and weightlifting mats, need to include the freedom for religious believers to be who they are—and to come as they are."

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